Using Multi-row FETCH ( MRF), you can get better performance than retrieving one row with each FETCH statement. 使用多行获取(MRF),您可以获得比使用FETCH语句每次获取一行更佳的性能。
The OPEN CURSOR statement is executed as part of the FETCH process. OPENCURSOR语句作为FETCH过程的一部分执行。
The fetch statement will be re-prepared without rowset positioning. 将重新准备FETCH语句,并且不包含行集定位。
Similarly, when a FETCH statement includes the BULK COLLECT clause, the variable used in the FETCH must be an array. 同样,FETCH语句包括BULKCOLLECT子句时,用于FETCH的变量必须是阵列。
A FOR FETCH ONLY clause is added to the Select statement to avoid record locking and to take advantage of SQL automatic blocking. 一个FORFETCHONLY子句被添加到Select语句,以避免记录锁定并利用SQL自动块操作的优势。
FETCH ( 13) represents the first SET statement in the function, selecting from the ITEM table. FETCH(13)表示函数中的第一条SET语句,它从ITEM表中进行选择。
BULK COLLECT is not a statement on its own, but an optional clause that can be applied to SELECT INTO and FETCH statements. BULKCOLLECT自身不是语句,而是可用于SELECTINTO和FETCH语句的可选子句。
The db2_fetch_row() is used to iterate through the statement resource returning true until there are no more rows in the resource. db2fetchrow()用于在返回true的语句资源中进行迭代,直至资源中不再有行。
The null indicator values are populated during the execution of the SQL FETCH statement. 空指示符值在SQLFETCH语句执行过程中填充。
When the FETCH cursor statement fails and does not find another row to retrieve, the value of SQLSUCCESS is set to0 and the WHILE LOOP ends. 当FETCH游标语句失败并且没有找到另一个要检索的行,SQLSUCCESS的值被设置为0并且WHILELOOP结束。
In SQL, there is no equivalent for the RPG CHAIN so I have chosen to use the FETCH FIRST statement with a cursor as the appropriate alternative. 在SQL中,没有与RPGCHAIN对等的函数,因此我选择使用FETCHFIRST语句和一个游标作为适当的替代选项。
This status information should be used to determine the validity of the data returned by a fetch statement prior to attempting any operation against that data. 这些状态信息应该用于在对由fetch语句返回的数据进行任何操作之前,以确定这些数据的有效性。
If a host variable is being used for the cursor name, the declare statement actually generates code and thus must be executed before the fetch statement. 如果主机变量用于游标名,则实际上是declare语句生成代码,因此declare语句必须在fetch语句之前执行。